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Simplicity™ Dx Extraction: The Stand Out Choice Among PCR Extraction Systems

Written by Molecular Designs | Feb 12, 2025 9:18:43 PM

Choosing the right Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) extraction device means accounting for several variables that can each have a significant impact on your laboratory’s operations. It was this sort of broad consideration of many different key metrics that led us to release our own magnetic, bead-based system—one that would strike the right balance of speed, throughput, and cost-effectiveness. Read on to see how our Simplicity™ Dx Extraction Device compares with other popular options, so you can make an informed decision.

Samples Per Run


Samples per Run

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction


KingFisher Apex Dx System


QIAcube Connect


IsoPureTM 96


MagNA Pure 24





Many labs have highly variable PCR workloads, which means flexibility in sample size is a vital factor to consider. Ideally, an extraction device should allow for tailored operations that minimize waste and maximize efficiency.

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction supports 1 to 32 samples per run, which not only accommodates variable workloads, but also has a higher sample run than smaller devices like QIAcube Connect or MagNA Pure 24. Devices like the IsoPureTM 96 and KingFisher Apex can handle larger batches, but at the cost of being adaptable for small-scale runs.

Processing and Setup Time


Processing Time

Setup Time

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction

15 to 40 minutes (1-32 samples)

<5 minutes

KingFisher Apex Dx System

30 minutes (24 samples)
Up to 65 minutes (96 samples)

Varies per kit

QIAcube Connect

20-40 minutes (varies by kit)

Varies per kit

IsoPureTM 96

Kit dependent

Varies per kit

MagNA Pure 24

60 minutes (24 samples)
Fast protocol: 30 minutes (8 samples)

Varies per kit


40-60 minutes, 24 extractions

<15 minutes for 24 samples


Processing time has obvious impacts on a lab’s throughput and the speed at which results can be delivered—an important variable for both clinical and preclinical labs. Handle more samples, avoid bottlenecks, and enhance overall efficiency by prioritizing rapid processing times in your device selection. Shorter setup times also free up your staff to focus on more critical tasks, minimizing the time spent on routine PCR extraction.

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction not only has very competitive standard processing times, but also comes with a rapid protocol that allows you to process 32 samples in 8 minutes. While the MagNA Pure 24 also offers a fast protocol, it is markedly slower than SimplicityTM Dx Extraction’s—only able to process 8 samples in 30 minutes. 

Footprint and Weight


Dimensions (H x W x D)


SimplicityTM Dx Extraction

15 x 17 x 17

28.5 kg

KingFisher Apex Dx System

31 x 22 x 18

56 kg

QIAcube Connect

22.8 x 25.6 x 24.2

71.5 kg

IsoPureTM 96

21.6 x 24.4 x 18.9

54 kg

MagNA Pure 24

26 x 37 x 31

~100 kg


39.37 x 25.5 x 20.8

125 kg


Many laboratories have limited bench space or would otherwise benefit from a device that is more compact, lightweight, and easily-movable. In general, smaller and lighter systems are easier to install, relocate, and integrate into existing workflows without requiring significant infrastructure changes.

Once again, SimplicityTM Dx Extraction shines as the smallest and lightest option among the most popular devices on the market. In many cases, a single person may be able to move and install our system—this contrasts with models like the NUCLISENS easyMAG and MagNA Pure 24, which are both around or above 100kg in weight and bear a large footprint.

Reagent Design


Reagent Design

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction

Pre-filled, ready-to-use kit. As little as one sample can be run with zero waste. Conveniently packed bottles can be dispensed as needed.

KingFisher Apex Dx System

MagaBio Plus virus/RNA purification kit:

6 plates, lysis, beads, wash 1, wash II x 2, elution as pre-plated. Packed bottles can be dispensed as needed.

QIAcube Connect

Multiple kit options with pre-filled cartridges.

Custom optimization provided as a service.

IsoPureTM 96

Compatible with most commercial kits.

MagNA Pure 24

Pre-filled and ready-to-use reagent cassettes.


Pre-filled cartridges.


Devices that support reagents which come pre-filled and ready-to-use have obvious advantages over those that require preparation, allowing you to simplify workflows, free up staff time, reduce handling, and minimize the risk of contamination or error.

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction reagent kits are not only pre-filled and ready-to-use, but also offer the flexibility to process as little as a single sample. This means you’ll be able to eliminate as much waste as possible from your PCR workflow, which can be particularly helpful if your lab handles highly variable workloads.

Cost of Instrument


Cost of Instrument

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction


KingFisher Apex Dx System


QIAcube Connect


IsoPureTM 96


MagNA Pure 24

No data available




For many labs, system features are not weighted as heavily in overall consideration as initial, up-front cost. While consumables should also be factored in to predict long-term costs, the initial purchase price of an instrument can, of course, impact budget allocations and financial planning. 

Whereas magnetic, bead-based systems may have been historically viewed as cost-prohibitive for labs interested in using the technology, SimplicityTM Dx Extraction’s price point is changing that reputation. It is competitively priced at $13,524, marking advanced affordability over other options like the KingFisher Apex ($101,745) and IsoPureTM 96 ($47,250). Only the QIAcube Connect is slightly cheaper, but at the sacrifice of dramatically more expensive consumable and reagent costs—these will likely make it a pricier system in the long run for most labs.


Cost of Consumables and Reagents


Cost of Consumables

Cost of Reagent
(per extraction)

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction



KingFisher Apex Dx System



QIAcube Connect



IsoPureTM 96


N/A, compatible with commercial kits

MagNA Pure 24

No data 



No data



Ongoing expenses associated with your extraction device can impact the total cost of ownership over time, so being judicious in this respect can lead to substantial savings, especially for labs handling high PCR volumes.

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction once again stands out from the competition, with notably more affordable consumable and reagent costs ($0.25 and $2.50 per extraction, respectively). Contrast this with the IsoPureTM 96, whose consumables cost $14.19, or the MagNA Pure 24, whose reagents are priced at $8.30 per extraction. While the KingFisher Apex Dx System has a lower reagent cost per extraction ($1.84), this is offset by a markedly high initial device cost ($101,745).

Throughput and Maximum Efficiency


Max Samples/Run

Max Throughput/Hour

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction



KingFisher Apex Dx System



QIAcube Connect



IsoPureTM 96



MagNA Pure 24







For some busy labs, the most important factor in their decision will be the absolute maximum throughput they can achieve to satisfy high PCR demand. Others with less consistent workloads may still want a system that maintains high efficiency during surging PCR volume.

While some systems support a higher number of max samples per run (IsoPureTM 96 and KingFisher Apex both support 96), SimplicityTM Dx Extraction still offers a higher absolute maximum throughput of 240 samples per hour. 

Consumable Details


Consumable Details

SimplicityTM Dx Extraction

32 strips per kit, 1 sample per strip, 2 strips per plate coverage.

KingFisher Apex Dx System

Compatible with:

  • BiosystemsTM MagMAXTM kits and reagents
  • InvitrogenTM DynabeadsTM magnetic beads
  • Thermo ScientificTM PierceTM magnetic agarose beads
  • Thermo ScientificTM SMART DigestTM kits

QIAcube Connect

Kit-specific consumables available.

IsoPureTM 96

Compatible with most commercial kits.

MagNA Pure 24

Pre-filled, barcoded, ready-to-use reagent kit.


Disposable design to minimize plastics with pre-filled cartridges.


The Verdict

We chose to offer SimplicityTM Dx Extraction precisely because it excels across almost all major key metrics one would consider when choosing an extraction device. Balancing versatility, cost-effectiveness, high throughput, and speed, it’s a great match for labs of all sizes and offers the opportunity to integrate innovative, magnetic, bead-based extraction into your workflows.